Having your home robbed is considerably less traumatic than actually being physically attacked, but the psychological after effects of a home intrusion are just as intense. YOU are very much A VICTIM.
While we were away at work and the kids were in school, I received a call from our neighbour that our house had been broken into. When I arrived home, it appeared as if our home had been through a war. Not only were many of my cherished possessions stolen, most of the remaining items were completely strewn about and it was obvious that my drawers had been rifled through.
To this day, I will never forget that awful feeling, that punch in the stomach feeling, that somehow, I had left myself, our family and our home vulnerable, it has taken me a long time to feel safe again.
How do you recover from the emotional aftermath of a burglary?
Let’s start with identifying the negative emotions you are feeling and how you can overcome them and move on. Remembering people respond to traumatic events differently, you may experience all, some or none of these emotions as we are all unique, your partner and children may react differently to you, so look out for……
- Shock and disbelief – It is hard to wrap your mind around what just happened; you feel disconnected from the event and your feelings.
- Denial – You accept that the robbery took place; but you refuse to accept that it is bothering you. Even when others may comment on your strength in coping with a crisis the actual truth is you avoid dealing with the aftermath.
- Sadness – After you accept what just happened, you will likely feel a sense of loss. It is especially upsetting when you lose sentimental or irreplaceable items as they are linked to your history.
- Anger – As you begin the grieving process, you will start feeling angry and recognise the injustice that was done to you. Carrying around intense feelings of anger is not going to bring your stuff back and it will not help you move on and help you feel safe again, accept the feelings and agree to move on.
- Fear – This is probably the worst negative emotion of them all. Not only have your valuables been taken, you have to accept that your home – your sanctuary – has been invaded. It’s not uncommon for victims to feel anxiety after a burglary or be fearful of being alone in their home that was robbed.
What to do after you have been robbed & how to move on …..apart from the obvious … contact the police, insurance company and clean up the mess.
Recognise there are some things you should do to get over and recover from your burglary:
- Get Support – Don’t be afraid to lean on others for emotional support and comfort.
- Let yourself feel – recognise you have been victimised and accept it is okay to be upset about it.
- Do Not Give in to Fear – While it’s perfectly normal to feel afraid, don’t let it control you. Take action to protect and empower yourself. Consider installing a security alarm system in your home and enrolling in self-defense classes.
- Keep Your Routine – The more normal the routine you return to in your life, the easier it will be to move past this event.
- Take Care of Yourself – Don’t give into self-pity. Don’t let a burglar rob you of your good health and mental well-being. Treat yourself to a pampering and look after your health and well being.
You will be able to move past these negative feelings. Allow yourself the freedom to move through these emotional stages and remind yourself that these, too, shall pass and you will move on.
If you are feeling vulnerable, then reach out to a licensed Security Advisor to help upgrade your protection.
Brought to you by www.securityheroes.com.au – Securing your Peace of Mind.